funny sunday quotes

 "Sunday is the day I planned a lot but actually do nothing."

"Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week."

"If Sunday were a person, I would give it a bear hug... and maybe a restraining order."

"Sunday checklist: Do nothing and chill."

"Sunday is the day I can wear my ‘I don’t care’ outfit."

"Sunday is the day I count my blessings, realizing I have enough wine to get through the day."

"Sunday is the day I pretend I’m going to do something productive, then binge-watch TV instead."

"Sunday is the day to refuel your soul and be grateful for the small things – like coffee."

"Sunday is the only day you can sleep until you’re hungry, and eat until you’re sleepy."

"Sunday is a day for doing absolutely nothing, and then resting afterward."

"Sunday is the day I put on my resting brunch face."

"Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week – along with any motivation to work."

"Sunday is the day I wish I could press 'CTRL + Z' on Monday."

"Sunday is the Funday we've all been waiting for."

"Sunday is the day to get out of bed with no regrets... until Monday hits."

"On Sundays, we wear pajamas all day – it's the law."

"Sunday is the day to do nothing and then rest afterward."

"I may be lazy on a Sunday, but I’m still thinking about being productive... just thinking."

"Sunday: A day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your coffee maker."

"Sunday is the day to treat your bed like an old friend you haven’t seen in a week – jump into its arms with joy."

"Sunday is the day I try to convince myself I’m going to be productive, then end up on the couch."

"Sunday is the day to be lazy and lie in bed until the afternoon sun tells you to get a life."

"Sunday is the day I can finally justify my lack of ambition."

"Sunday is the day I realize how much I've procrastinated over the weekend."

"Sunday is the day I contemplate how much salad I should have to compensate for Friday and Saturday."

"Sunday is the day I accidentally put on my 'weekend pants' and then refuse to change."

"Sunday is the day I can finally admit that I’ve been talking to myself all week."

"Sunday: The day to do nothing because everything is closed."

"Sunday is the day to count blessings, not calories... and maybe have a few extra desserts."

"Sunday is the day to remind yourself that you have no plans, and that’s okay."

"Sunday is the day I wonder if I’m getting enough rest... while lying on the couch."

"Sunday is the day I plan to do everything but end up doing nothing."

"Sunday is the day to wear your favorite comfy pants and forget about pants with zippers."

"Sunday is the day to relax and let go of all the stress... until you realize tomorrow is Monday."

"Sunday is the day I try to convince myself that cleaning the house counts as exercise."

"Sunday is the day to stop worrying about the future... until Monday morning."

"Sunday is the day to explore new levels of laziness you didn’t think were possible."

"Sunday: the only day I can justify being in my pajamas all day."

"Sunday is the day to press the snooze button on life."

"Sunday is the day I schedule all the things I'll probably cancel."

"Sunday is the day to give your brain a break, unless you’re overthinking everything like me."

"Sunday is the day I realize I forgot to do all the things I said I would do on Saturday."

"Sunday is the day to recharge your soul and regret not charging your phone."

"Sunday is the day I pretend to be a morning person for a few hours."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner sloth."

"Sunday is the day to treat yourself to a nap... or three."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate all the workouts you said you’d do but never did."

"Sunday is the day to ponder life’s big questions, like 'why isn’t there a day between Sunday and Monday?'"

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether I should go back to bed or stay in bed."

"Sunday is the day to pretend you have everything together... until someone mentions Monday."

"Sunday is the day to perfect the art of doing nothing and being proud of it."

"Sunday is the day to enjoy the peace before realizing the chaos of Monday is just around the corner."

"Sunday is the day to be so lazy that even the remote feels heavy."

"Sunday is the day to be productive... at finding the TV remote."

"Sunday is the day to wonder why I always have Monday morning regrets on Sunday night."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate life’s mysteries, like why do we have five days of work and only two days of weekend?"

"Sunday is the day to master the art of doing nothing, while feeling like you’ve accomplished everything."

"Sunday is the day to be lazy and let the thoughts of Monday slowly ruin your mood."

"Sunday is the day I realize I have a deadline on Monday and contemplate how to time travel."

"Sunday is the day to wear pajamas all day because they have a magical power of canceling all plans."

"Sunday is the day to create a to-do list for the week and promptly lose it."

"Sunday is the day to remember all the things you didn’t get done on Saturday and carry that guilt into the next week."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate how long you can go without checking your work email."

"Sunday is the day to convince yourself that the gym will still be there on Monday."

"Sunday is the day to perfect the art of turning off the alarm and going back to sleep."

"Sunday is the day to practice the ancient art of pretending you’re going to start a diet on Monday."

"Sunday is the day to be a human burrito in your blanket."

"Sunday is the day to vow you’ll finally wake up early next week, knowing it won’t happen."

"Sunday is the day to admire all the ambitious plans you made for the weekend but never carried out."

"Sunday is the day to pretend you’ll have your life together by Monday morning."

"Sunday is the day to regret all the decisions you made on Friday and Saturday."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner cat and nap strategically throughout the day."

"Sunday is the day to look at the pile of laundry and decide it can wait until next weekend."

"Sunday is the day to practice the art of the mid-afternoon nap."

"Sunday is the day to do absolutely nothing and feel absolutely no guilt about it."

"Sunday is the day to appreciate the beautiful lie that is ‘I’ll do it tomorrow.’"

"Sunday is the day to pretend you’ll start eating healthy on Monday, again."

"Sunday is the day to look at the clock and wonder where the weekend went."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether adulting is really necessary."

"Sunday is the day to perfect the skill of looking busy while doing absolutely nothing."

"Sunday is the day to practice the art of ignoring the alarm clock."

"Sunday is the day to make promises to yourself about how productive you’ll be next weekend."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether wearing the same outfit for the third day in a row is socially acceptable."

"Sunday is the day to master the art of doing the absolute minimum with maximum satisfaction."

"Sunday is the day to convince yourself that cleaning the house counts as a workout."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner cat lady and take a series of long naps."

"Sunday is the day to scroll through social media and wonder how everyone else is so productive."

"Sunday is the day to avoid looking at your bank account and pretend everything is fine."

"Sunday is the day to perfect the art of procrastination with style."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate how long you can go without changing out of your pajamas."

"Sunday is the day to convince yourself that Monday is a figment of your imagination."

"Sunday is the day to practice the ancient ritual of saying 'I’ll do it tomorrow' with great conviction."

"Sunday is the day to plan out your week and then promptly forget everything by Monday."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start dreading Monday."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner hermit and avoid all human contact."

"Sunday is the day to pretend you’ll be a morning person starting next week."

"Sunday is the day to marvel at how quickly the weekend turned into Monday morning regrets."

"Sunday is the day to practice the art of not setting an alarm and enjoying the consequences."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate the mysteries of life, like why do socks disappear in the laundry?"

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner child and avoid adult responsibilities."

"Sunday is the day to perfect the skill of avoiding eye contact with your responsibilities."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether you can survive on snacks until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if there’s a way to skip Monday and go straight to Tuesday."

"Sunday is the day to embrace the art of overthinking every decision you made during the week."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether showering is really necessary on a weekend."

"Sunday is the day to marvel at how quickly you went from Friday night plans to Sunday morning regrets."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate the deep philosophical questions of life, like why is there no breakfast happy hour?"

"Sunday is the day to perfect the art of convincing yourself you’re going to work out, without actually doing it."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too late to apply for a job where the workweek starts on Tuesday."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether you can survive on coffee until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner procrastinator and put off everything until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to practice the ancient art of avoiding all responsibilities with finesse."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate the mysteries of the universe, like why do we have to work five days a week?"

"Sunday is the day to perfect the skill of ordering takeout and calling it meal prepping."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start counting down to the next weekend."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner detective and solve the mystery of where the weekend went."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether you can survive on the snacks in your pantry until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to practice the art of convincing yourself that one more episode won’t hurt."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too late to become a professional sleeper."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner fortune teller and predict that Monday will be a struggle."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate the great mysteries of life, like why do we have to leave our beds on Monday?"

"Sunday is the day to perfect the art of pretending you’re not counting down the hours until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start planning your next weekend."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner artist and paint a masterpiece on the canvas of laziness."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether you can survive on leftovers until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to practice the ancient art of convincing yourself that Monday isn’t real."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start celebrating the end of the workweek."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner philosopher and ponder the meaning of weekdays."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether you can survive on caffeine until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to perfect the art of pretending you don’t have a mountain of work waiting for you on Monday."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start planning your escape to a weekend-only calendar."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner superhero and conquer the evil villain called Monday."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether you can survive on the snacks in your fridge until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to practice the ancient art of convincing yourself that time is just a social construct."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start a petition to make weekends three days long."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner time traveler and try to fast-forward to Saturday."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate the mysteries of the universe, like why does Monday come after Sunday?"

"Sunday is the day to perfect the art of pretending you’re not mentally preparing for Monday morning."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start a GoFundMe for a perpetual weekend."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner dreamer and imagine a world where every day is a weekend."

"Sunday is the day to contemplate whether you can survive on snacks and daydreams until Monday."

"Sunday is the day to practice the ancient art of convincing yourself that Monday is just a bad dream."

"Sunday is the day to wonder if it’s too early to start a movement for a 4-day workweek."

"Sunday is the day to embrace your inner astronaut and try to escape the gravitational pull of Monday."
